Lute Lovers

This blog is for lute lovers, people who are looking for lutes to buy or try and for selling the latests lutes for sale by Hand made not factory made but at affordable prices in the form of student lutes and more elaborate custom made lutes for professional players. if you can afford a student lute then I make lutes to hire too. You can hear examples of different sizes/ woods on my you-tube channel jamarriage.

Friday, October 04, 2024


Lutes for sale
Last updated 04/10/2024

For Sale: 8crs Lute Based on Hieber (MIM1561)

8crs Renaissance lute based on Hieber of Venice (MIM1561), original string length of 59.7cm in g' (a=440Hz) in NNG and CD basses, the Hieber lutes one of the few surviving lutes still in it's original form. This one has plum ribs, black walnut neck and peg box with original design pear wood pegs, ebony fingerboard, alpine spruce soundboard with original rose and ebony edging, pear wood end pin.

£2718 (£2064+Kingham case £654)

For Sale: 8 crs Multiribbed Yew Renaissance lute based on Hans Burkholtzer c1596 (KHM NE48)

£3073 (£2515 + case £558) made 2020

Originally inspired by the look, shape and sound of the Sixtus Rauwolf original/restored lute, so it was created to give the look/feel of an original instrument. With a multiribbed yew body with old dark and lighter heartwood, one small rib restoration (thus a reduced price), and with a slightly darker/'aged' finish elsewhere, hopefully it's got the ambience of an old/original instrument, dare I say!
It has a Black Walnut neck and pegbox (as recommended by the Mary Burwell lute Ms) and is cheaper than a veneered neck, less ebony too, the fingerboard is black English Bog Oak an eco-alternative to Ebony, the only ebony used is around the soundboard. The pegs and bridge are pearwood with decorative stars carved as seen on another original/ surviving lute by Giovanni Hieber ( Brussels MIM 1561) string length 62.9cm in g' at a=440Hz. The original rose design, shown here has a roped border, typical of this type of renaissance lute. Hear it here

For sale 8crs multi ribbed lute based on Hans Burkholtzer (NE48) Gut strung

Below is another Burkholtzer with the same materials as above but with a golden rose and tuned to a=380 Hz (Renaissance pitch/Pretorius' Chorton pitch) with part gut trebles and and octaves with CD loaded gut bases, the string length is 64cm, this can be heard here. If this pitch is not preferred then a new set of Nylgut and CD basses could always be ordered at standard 440Hz pitch but a new size of strings would need to be calculated.

£2575+ Kingham case £618 (discounted to £2175 + case £618 for variation in soundboard colour as seen below, made 2021)

Here this golden rose Burkholtzer being played below: 


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